One of the important roles of the Legislative Assembly is to review and approve proposed laws presented by Government and private members as bills. All bills go through several steps before becoming law.
There are three types of bills:
- public bills are laws proposed by Government,
- private members' bills are laws proposed by private members (those members who are not in Cabinet), and
- private bills are proposed laws that govern a small number of people in a private or local matter, such as a corporation, charity, religious group, or service club.
The search below provides details on the progress of bills through the stages of debate along with a link to the text of the bill.
Searching for a bill
You can fill in any combination of fields below to search for a bill. For example, typing "2021" in the box for year gives you a list of all the bills for 2021. Filling in more than one search box narrows the results.
Scope of online records
Bills from March 1997 (1st Session, 60th General Assembly) to the present can be found in this online search.
To access bills prior to 1997, contact the Legislative Library.
If there is no proclamation section or effective date included in the legislation, then the bill comes into force when it receives Royal Assent.