
Substantive motions like those found in this search tool are motions brought to the House by a member that proposes one of three things:

  • asks the House to do something;
  • orders something to be done; or
  • expresses an opinion.

Searching for a motion

You can fill in any combination of fields below to search the Motions. For example, typing "2021" in the year box will give you a list of all the motions for 2021, in reverse number order).

Filling in more than one search option will narrow your results.

Scope of online records

Motions from 2015 (1st Session, 65th General Assembly) to the present can be searched in the tool below.

Records include a link to the text of the motion along with details on dates it was debated and the names of those who spoke about it during debate. 

Motions called for debate in prior General Assemblies can be found by searching the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island or contacting the Legislative Library.